Take a Core Pilates class and improve the condition of your spine!

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Calm exercises on the mat will relax tense muscles, relax the mind and practice calm breathing

Classes will be conducted by certified instructor of Core Pilates BB Pilates School and therapist pedagogue UAM Agnieszka Sypniewska. The workshop plan is based on relaxation and strengthening exercises, during which participants will work on calm, deep breathing, concentration, body awareness and the ability to relax on their own. Core PIlates classes support the maintenance of proper posture and ergonomics during daily movement activities. A free live webcast of the event will begin at 7 p.m. today on the Facebook profile of A Little Different Movement Studio.

The first Core Pilates / Healthy Spine class of the year (from the beginning!) on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at …

Published by Pilates, Good Movement / A Little Bit Different Movement Studio Monday, January 18, 2021

Core Pilates

Medical Pilates is derived from traditional sports techniques, but has been enhanced with exercises developed from the latest research in spinal biomechanics by Belgian Professor Stuart Mc Gill of the University of Waterloo. Core Pilates exercises engage deep muscles, pelvic floor and parts responsible for maintenance of internal organs. What is more, the movements proposed during the classes improve the stability of the spine, allow to work on maintaining balance, and support metabolic processes, optimising intestinal work and speeding up digestion

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

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