What should I feed my adult cat?

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Diet in the life of an animal is the biggest and most important pillar of its health. Without proper nutrition the animal will not be healthy and happy, and mistakes in feeding may shorten pet’s life even by several years. How to feed an adult and aging cat to keep it healthy and fit for as long as possible? We advise you in this article

Cat food – grain content

Cats are absolute carnivores, which means that their digestive system is only able to digest animal protein in a good and healthy way. Although, like dogs, they are a fully domesticated species, their domestication process was different from that of wolves and later dogs, so their bodies underwent less drastic changes. Dogs, in order to adapt to life with humans, became omnivores, while cats, who never stopped hunting, remained carnivores. Their bodies are able to tolerate a small amount of grain in their food, but this does not happen without compromising feline health. The food you feed your cat must be completely grain-free. It may contain small amounts of digestible vegetables if they carry health benefits, but usually vegetables act as a cheaper clogger than meat. It’s better to go for foods that contain added supplements and minerals that supplement your cat’s needs but don’t strain the digestive system

Dry or wet food?

Cat food should be wet, as these creatures drink very little by nature. They get most of their water and moisture for their bodies mainly from food, and drink water as a last resort. Unfortunately, dry food very often contributes to dehydration of the cat’s body and unpleasant consequences. Of course it’s not forbidden, but it should be a last resort, or an addition to a diet based on wet food. Dry food can be treated as a safety net if you leave the house for a long time or as treats for a toy or a sniffing mat. Dry food must also consist of meat and be free of grains and harmful additives, such as artificial colors or flavors. You can buy excellent quality cat food at https://taniakarma.com/

Watch out for meat content

When reading the ingredients of a cat food, you should pay attention to the meat content. However, it’s important to distinguish between two terms that manufacturers of poor-quality pet food use to deceive consumers – meat and “meat and products of animal origin”. The first form of writing in the composition means that what went into the food is muscle meat. Of course, it will rarely be the best part of the fillet or sirloin of beef, but cats will not appreciate the taste of individual pieces of meat anyway. On the other hand, offal, which is anything listed after muscle meat, such as lungs, liver, hearts, spleen and so on, already has much less nutritional value. The more meat, the better the food. The trap here is animal products, because under this term can literally be a dog ground together with the kennel. Hides, claws, eyes, hooves and whatever is cheap slaughterhouse waste ends up in the popular foods your cat would supposedly buy. Market foods have a meat and offal content of about 4%, the rest is waste and plant-based cloggers

Take care of your pet and give him the best nutrition possible. Only then he will be a beautiful, full of life and joy cat with a shiny coat and textbook blood test results

Main Photo: Cats Coming/pexels.com

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