Traveling with your dog – what to take with you on a trip or vacation?

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Traveling with a dog can be a pleasant experience, as long as we prepare well for it. In order to make the trip proceed without any unpleasant surprises, it is worth to take care of several important issues and think about the luggage not only for yourself but also for your pet. What should go in it? We suggest!

Water supply

This is absolutely number one on the list of necessary accessories for your dog. In hot weather, the demand for water increases considerably, so you should make sure that your pet has constant access to it. Keep cool water on hand not only in the car, but also during walks and activities together. It will also be a good idea to get a silicone travel bowl for your pet to save some space in your luggage.

Your dog’s health booklet

Whether you are vacationing with your dog at home or abroad, you need to be prepared for various unexpected situations. In case of sudden illness such a booklet can be extremely useful during a visit to the vet. Thanks to it, he will be able to get more information about the past vaccinations and general health of your pet. In case of traveling abroad, you will also need a dog passport. You can read more about it at:

Address code

An address tag will come in handy especially in crowded places, where sometimes all it takes is a moment of inattention for our beloved pet to disappear from our sight. Such a dog tag will enable the finder to quickly contact the owner of the pet. Eventually, you can attach a card with your data to the collar. However, it should be remembered that under the influence of various weather conditions it is often quickly damaged. Therefore, it is advisable to provide your dog with a steel, engraved address tag that will last longer and will also be useful during further trips.

Dog food

Although it seems obvious, there are still many owners who do not take enough food supplies for their dog. It can be difficult to find the favorite treat that your pet eats on a daily basis and to which he is accustomed. A sudden change of food may cause your dog to suffer from stomach disorders and thus spoil the whole trip.

Bed and toys

In order to help your dog find his new environment faster, it’s a good idea to bring along his favorite accessories. Ideally, he should be able to use the bed in which he sleeps every day, which will make him feel more comfortable and secure. Also, don’t forget his beloved toys that will make his stay in a foreign place more pleasant.

Proper tick protection

In case you are planning to relax in the nature, you need to take care of proper tick protection products beforehand. The most popular products are sprays and drops. Special collars for dogs, which effectively protect him against unpleasant insects, are also very popular.

Kit for cleaning up after your dog

Before you travel, also remember to bring accessories that will make it easier for you to clean up after your pet. Not only biodegradable bags will come in handy, but also, for example, an easy-to-use and practical dog poop scooper.

Main photo: Ignacio Amenábar/Unsplash

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