Books on personal development worth reading

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Personal development is the goal of every person. However, not everyone knows how to achieve this goal. There are many ways to achieve your plans, you just need to realize them. The relevant literature can be helpful in this regard.

The growing role of personal development

Personal development is a very popular topic in recent years. Celebrities, people from the front pages of newspapers, influencers spend a lot of time presenting to the world how they realize themselves and develop both their physical and spiritual side. This causes many people to start thinking about their approach to life and their own development. In this case, the motivations that lead to such reflections are not so much important. What is more important is what effect they will have and whether they will actually improve the quality of life. Often the decision to change his style is easy, but the problem arises at the stage of implementation. In order to be well prepared for such a challenge, it is worth first reading some interesting books on personal development that can help you determine how to achieve your goal.

Personal development books worth reading

Here are some selected literary items that focus on the issues of personal development. With their help, you will manage to set a clear goal, as well as the way to achieve it

  • “How to win friends and win people over” Dale Carnegie

This is a book that has passed into the canon when it comes to books on personal development. Man is a social being and cannot function without other people. Therefore, the need to establish proper interpersonal relationships is inevitable. If you have problems in this area or feel insecure about making new friends – this book is perfect for you.

Productivity Game – HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE by Dale Carnegie | Animated Core Message
  • “Rich Father, Poor Father” by Robert Kiyosaki

This is another bestseller on the list of personal development books. It is one of the few available on the market that focuses on the issue of finances and how children are talked about and introduced to issues of economics and money in homes of varying economic status. In this way, the reader learns about the different perspectives of how money is viewed, which allows the reader to broaden their horizons in this area in a significant way

  • “Maximum Achievement” by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is known as the author of many books on self-improvement and personal development. In this post, he shows various methods and strategies for setting and achieving goals. The fact that the author’s assumptions are effective is evidenced by hundreds of positive comments from his readers, as well as the fact that the book has been on the market for a good few years and is still selling very well

  • “Off the charts. Secrets of successful people” Malcolm Gladwell

It has not been known for a long time that the best way to achieve success is to model a strong personality, which is living and tangible proof that success is within our reach. This is what M. Gladwell’s guide is based on. The author presents stories of people widely recognized as those who have achieved success. What’s more, their examples allow us to come to the conclusion that the driving force of success lies within ourselves – we just need to bring it out.

  • “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” John Gray

Personal development must go hand in hand with development in a relationship. John Gray’s book can bring many people closer to achieving this state. The author is a psychologist and has been focusing on the problems of male-female relationships for years. In his book, he exposes many issues that are viewed quite differently by men and women. Thanks to his experience, the author throws up interesting ideas on how to resolve differences that may appear in any relationship, even the mature one.

TEDx Talks – Mars brain, Venus brain: John Gray at TEDxBend
  • “The 7 Habits of Effective Action” by Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey’s book, although published in 1989, is still relevant and should be in every person’s library. It is an incredibly inspiring read that helps you change the habits that cause us to be unsuccessful. The author points out how to change your perception of yourself and your relationships with other people to bring about a change in your life situation

Photo by Joel Muniz/Unsplash

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